dinsdag 15 november 2011

Nov. 15th... waiting for Marc ..

Yesterday Jur arrived and this morning Marc would fly in but he decided to take the evening flight :-o
Anyway, we're about ready to take off. We'll go to La Palma first to let Jur and Marc used to the boat before we do the crossing.

In the mean time the technician that would have a look at the windlass was able to fix it so that's great news :-)

We also had a SNARC-event. All the sailors from the boats in the bay went to the beach to have a So-Not-the-ARC drink. That was really great. There are people from all over the world. Most of them started a trip for a year or so but that was 3 to 7 years ago :-)
It's nice to talk to those people and listen to their story's. We had our own story too of course, about the rescue in A Coruna..

Anyway about all the jobs are done and when the last item I ordered comes in tomorrow, we can set off for the next leg :-)