dinsdag 31 juli 2012

July 30th, position 46°19.742N; 16°15.206W

Today we celebrated half way :-) It took us a week but that's because we couldn’t sail in a straight line. According to the latest gribfiles we'll have Westerlies from now on and at least 15 kts. Tomorrow even 35 kts so the next half should be considerably faster in time :-)
We had champagne and for lunch Jantine backed scones, very nice indeed! She had to to do something not to be thrown overboard... yesterday when I was asleep on deck.. she polished my toe nails.... :-(  Of course the rest of the crew did nothing to prevent this molest and they all had a good time when I  woke up...

Anyway, for the rest we're doing fine and the weather is real nice, sofar it's been sunny all days and now we have the Westerlies, the wind is not as cold as before. Meaning we be in shorts and T-shirt, as it should :-) Still, during the night it's kind of cool, and we have to gear up properly to stay warm.

We're sailing full speed with double gennoa's, a full main and directly pointing at Scheveningen. Doing over 7 kts average it's only another 120 hrs to complete the round of the Atlantic :-)
Tomorrow we  might have a rougher day. A depression SE of England is foretasted to give us a fresh breeze. However, the direction is perfect and it might even increase our speed.

I must say, although the sailing is great, I really like to get back home again :-)