Oct. 23rd - Position 33°44.074N/012°52.291W
We were heading for Porto Santo and the sailing was nice after the second day. The wind was fine, about 10 kts and from the perfect direction.
However..... the wind picked up to 25 kts true and veered to SW. As we were on starboard tack to avoid some heavy rain, I downloaded another weatherfax. It showed that the depression that was forecasted for Portugal was indeed heading due East. That would mean that we had to deal with over 30 kts straight on the nose … for another 170 nm.
So we decided to keep going South, avoiding the hardest winds and that was in fact the course to steer to the Canaries. It'll be a bit further but we're good on food and water :-)
So far we have been able to avoid any rain. The plan is to keep it that way, and we'll sail around the Canary Islands for a few days.