Next morning we rowed to the marina and found a place to fix the outboard. You can row in a dinghy but that's just for emergency... Manjana it would be ready...
Next thing was to find someone that could fix the windlass.. Also I needed to have the gascanister filled.... well first things first. One thing I learned is that you just have to take things as they come nothing gets to be planned.
Anyway, next day we went to pick up the outboard and it was fixed. It make's a lot of noise for some reason but it works. Getting the windlass fixed was another thing though. Because of the ARC all the mechanics were too busy.
We spend the time to reorganize the boat a bit more. We need to stow a lot of stuff for the crossing, stuff that needs to stay dry too.
We spend the time to reorganize the boat a bit more. We need to stow a lot of stuff for the crossing, stuff that needs to stay dry too.
We also had the chance to clean the outside of the boat from the dinghy. After I finished I could use a bath too so I jumped out of the dinghy and had my first swim :-o The water was great, clean and warm but, has it's own inhabitants like ... jellyfish... This one was just a tiny one but stung like hell. I got out of the water and put a sponge with vinegar on my arm. Since we had just reorganized the whole lot I knew were to find it :-)
Getting the gas canister filled too turned out to be not possible. There is this Disa company that does gas but the filling station is about 20 miles south. You can't take a gascanister in a cab and if you'd rent a car there's still no guarantee they can or will fill it...
According to the pilotbook there should be a service station in las Palmas also. So next day Rutger and I spend the afternoon exploring the town in search of this station. We had a great walk through the place and did actually find the station. The manager told me to bring the canister so he could have a look and if possible it was no problem to fill it. Since it was already 4 pm we aggreed I'd come back next manjana. When I did, he wasn't there and the others had no clue. If I would come back in an hour they would get in touch with the guy I spoke to yesterday...
Anyway I had to get to pick up some stuff at the chandler y, which hadn't come in yet... manjana or worse.. Monday, because manjana is Saturday... Being there though I ran into the mechanic and if I would leave the windlass at the shop he would pick it up and check it.... :-) Well, we'll see.
We'll just have to take things as they are and happen. Maybe the windlass gets fixed after all.. manjana... :-o