Sunday night Phil and Kim came over after dinner and we had very nice evening. They're planning to go cycling next year first 6 months in Argentina then Europe and after that they want to go to New Zealand. So there won't be much sailing for Phil then anymore... :-o
Anyway, when the rigger came on Monday to change the fitting of the halliard he was done in 15 minutes. However, since he was up the mast he also checked the rest of the rigging and it turned out that the inner fore stay was broken. Apparently the 40 kts coming down here had taken its toll.. :-(
Well, we can't cross the Atlantic with a broken stay. It's not hard to fix that but not on the spot so the plans had to change.
Andy had to be in Las Palmas on Wednesday to get there in time for his flight home and we couldn't sail there. So he booked a flight from Lanzarote to Las Palmas for Tuesday.
Rutger and I spend the whole day cleaning and doing all kind of little jobs. Also we got the inner fore stay off and it was definitely broken.
Wednesday, the rigger will come over to pick it up and hopefully Thursday the new one will be ready. We'll see. In the mean time we'll reorganize the boat a bit to get it ready for the crossing, we have to stow a lot of things then.