Position: 18°00.742N/29°06.394W, Friday 25 Nov., 20:50 UTC
We hit the 900 nm today, meaning we have covered about one third of the distance to Tobago. In 3 days or so, we'll have our midway party :-)
Jur has already definitely won the beard competition.... I had a shave this morning. Marc and Rutger are still in but Marc should better quit too … it's going nowhere and it's not a pretty show :-)
All the manoeuvrings with the gennaker and poling in and out the genoa are going very smooth by now. At sunset we dropped the gennaker, also getting ready to give way for the Elandsgracht, a Dutch coaster that crossed us. She was giving way but passed us close by to call us over the radio. I didn't get the message at first but when I asked to repeat it, they told us there were 6 (ARC) yachts ahead of us … and wished us a safe trip.
Just before dinner we could shoot Jupiter with the sextant and then Wega, Denheb, Polaris and Capella, .. our first planet and star sight :-) Good I have the book on how to do these calculations. We got the pro forma's, but the calculations are different and Marc nor I would know how to do them without the book.
Dinner was the last one with fresh lettuce and meat. The mince we got was frozen for us but only for half a day so that didn't last very long. The fridge started to smell a bit and we dumped 3 packs of mince and 1 pack of chicken. The burgers were still okay but won't last too long either.
So, as of tomorrow we'll be on tinned meat and fresh fish... hopefully.