woensdag 13 juni 2012

Wednesday, June 13th Position 36°53.466 N; 33°40.766 W

The wind has dropped a bit and we started the engine to keep up the speed. The ocean is flattening and there's only a nice swell that easily rock you to sleep :-)
Since its very calm we fueled up a bit. All went well without spilling a drop, but wen I got the hose out, the little chain that's securing the cap broke and next moment it was gone..
I had to use one of the wooden plugs as a cap and added another thing on my to do list when we get to Horta.

We thought to be very lucky catching a real big fish. There was something serious hooked on, and it took a while to get it in. However, when I could finally sea it, it turned out to be a fishing net, and of course no fish in it... So, corned beef stayed on the menu...Today Eline will show us how to catch a fish. That's what she promised anyway... we'll sea...:-)

Our ETA is now Friday afternoon, providing the wind picks up according to my latest grib files.
Sofar they were pretty accurate, so hopefully we don't have to motor the last part of our trip.
With about 250 Nm still to go, we all are starting to look forward to make landfall. Obviously we're all in for a real long shower and a nice long night of sleep After having some drinks at Cafe Sport of course !!

It would be nice if we get there Friday. That gives us some days to explore the Island.a bit.
Eline and I already booked our flights to Asd. leaving the 20th . Frits and Arie have to check at the airport when we get there. Frits is looking for a flight on Saturday or Sunday so hopefully there's still an open seat. Arie is planning to stay some more days, I guess he won't have a problem to get a ticket.

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