vrijdag 2 december 2011

Miles and waves ...

Position: 14°17.939N/46°25.904W, Friday Dec. 2nd , 11:40 UTC

Today we'll clock the 2000nm. and we're 13 days at sea now so we're doing just over 150nm a day.
That would leave us another 5 – 6 days to get to Tobago so next Wednesday or Tuesday we should be very close :-) Saturday Clare and Elisabeth will fly in. Monday Kitty will then come over from Curacao so our timing is very good :-)

Shooting sights every day helps us keeping track on time and dates, otherwise I wouldn't have known … At sea there are just three times... it's getting light so it must be around 6 am, it's getting dark, that means 6 pm and you're starting to get hungry,... lunch time...

Also distance is getting a new dimension.. A trip of over a 100nm used to be a real trip! Crossing the channel is about a 100nm. Now, this feels more like a day sail :-o

Another thing is the constant motion of the boat. 24 hrs a day, non stop, the waves are there. Everything you do has to be synchronized with the motion of the boat. If not, well.... you bump your head, knee or whatever else or you gonna spill whatever you have in your hands... I know that last time I was at sea for 5 or 6 days, I really had to get used to the steady ground again. I actually felt seasick the first few hours. I wonder what it will be like when we get to Tobago. Although..  we will be staying on the boat.... there`re no marinas in Tobago, only anchorages :-)

But, I guess we'll be spending some time ashore too. The Island is very much worthwhile exploring according to the cruising guide and, after 19 days at sea, it will be fun to get to shore again too :-)

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